Meet this Sunday at William Hulme's Grammar School

Complaints Policy

Manchester Vineyard recognises that from time to time the quality of services provided by the charity may not meet up with the standards that individuals have come to expect. We view complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to put things right.

The complaints focuses at:

  • Conduct of our staff, leaders and volunteers;
  • Where a service we provide as a local church has failed someone in some way;
  • Discrimination
  • Inappropriate delays in responding to enquiries; or
  • Financial mismanagement

This policy is not intended to be used for raising safeguarding concerns regarding allegations of abuse against children and/or vulnerable adults, you can access this through our Safeguarding Policy.

If you would like to make a compliant please complete the below form, providing as much detail as possible, and our complaints manager will contact you with more details on our procedure and policy so we can deal with your compliant in a timely manner.

Alternatively you can send your complaint by postal address to: FAO Complaints Manager, Manchester Vineyard, Colony, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BR

If following an investigation by the Church, you are not satisfied that the Complaint Policy was properly and fairly followed, or the investigation was not carried out in an appropriate way, you may refer the matter to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland or you can complain to the Charity Commission at any stage, details of complaints they will get involved can be found on their website here.

Complaints Form

    Please read our Data Protection & Privacy Policy


    Get in Touch

    0161 850 8905 //
    Sunday Gatherings: William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR
    Registered Address: Colony, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR

    Manchester Vineyard is a Christian Church. A Charity Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales. Charity Registration No. 1165564.
    ‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.


    Get in Touch

    0161 850 8905
    Sunday Gatherings: William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR
    Registered Address: Colony, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR

    Manchester Vineyard is a Christian Church. A Charity Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales. Charity Registration No. 1165564.
    ‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
