'Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labour in vain.'
Psalm 127:1
We are excited to share our plans with you for the next step of faith that we believe the Lord is asking us to take—a step toward establishing a permanent home where we can truly fulfil our collective calling and mission. We are acutely aware that unless the Lord builds the house, our efforts are in vain. So, it is with hopeful hearts that we long for this next chapter to be crafted by Him—reflecting His design, His purposes and His glory.
You can find out more about where the Lord is leading us and how to get involved by watching the Vision Talk and reading the brochure.
Just days before Vision Sunday, we discovered the landlord had changed their mind about us occupying this particular building. Nevertheless, we will press on; the project’s concepts and costs remain, and we continue to prepare for what God has in store.
We are inviting you to partner with us in making this vision become a reality, in both upfront gifts and ongoing pledges. We would encourage you to give as the Lord prompts you and in accordance with the resources He has given you. We serve a radically generous God who calls us to be a generous people. We give as an act of worship, not out of obligation or guilt, but as an overflow of our hearts.
You can find out more about the various ways to give in our brochure, or on our giving page. Please use the reference [surname]/UTL for any bank transfers or standing orders.
As a church we will be praying and fasting in various ways prior to the Giving Day on Sunday 6th April 2025. In addition to this, we’d like to invite you to join us on two specific days of prayer and fasting on 15th & 22nd March.