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Training & Development

Internship Year

The Internship Year is based on Ephesians 4:1, which encourages us to “live a life worthy of our calling, for we have been called by God”. It’s a year where you’ll grow spiritually within a community, serve the church in a variety of ministry areas and be on mission to see the Kingdom extend in the city of Manchester. We anticipate that during the year God will shape you and release you into more of your calling.

The Internship year runs from September to July. It’s a part-time programme, on Sunday mornings and Mondays.

Find out more information here.

Apply for the Internship Year here.

Leadership Essentials

Covering many of the most important and foundational aspects of leadership, Leadership Essentials is the perfect place to grow in understanding and insight alongside others.

It is a 2 year programme made up of a series of 18 pre-recorded video sessions delivered by leaders from across the Vineyard movement, both nationally and internationally. These sessions are centred around the Five Characteristics of a Pioneering Leader, and acts as an introduction to leadership skill and responsibility.

Find out more information here.

Vineyard Leadership College

Vineyard Leadership College is a year-long intensive part-time programme for those experiencing a compelling call to leadership and seeking to invest in that call in an intentional and deliberate way. It is a church-based, multi-campus, multi-disciplinary training programme for Vineyard Churches in the UK and Ireland.

All the students of the Leadership College will follow a core curriculum, which is focussed around the Five Characteristics of a Pioneering Leader. The course involves a ministry elective which focuses your learning into one of a range of ministry-specific options.

Find out more information here.

Vineyard Theology

Vineyard Theology aims to promote head and heart understanding of the Bible, so that the way we do church is constantly being shaped by an informed, Spirit-led interpretation of God’s word.

Through Vineyard Theology you will be trained with high-quality theological education, integrated with spiritual transformation so that you are prepared for Kingdom work at any level in the church and in the world. If you are interested in developing your leadership through theological, Biblical and practical application, then Vineyard Theology is for you.

There are a number of modules available through an online training platform.

Find out more information here.

WTC Theology

WTC is a theological training college providing part-time courses in Kingdom Theology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level at 12 hubs around the UK and Ireland, including one in Manchester.

Their classes are places of theological depth and invitation for the Spirit, and their teachers are there to help you make the connection between all of life and the Kingdom of God.

Find out more information here.

Church Planting Academy

If we are going to see people give themselves to church planting, giving up everything to plant, we owe it to them to send them as best we can. We are believing for something significant for Greater Manchester & the North West.

The Church Planting Academy includes individually tailored involvement in some of our other leadership development programmes, engagement with recommended reading material, and attendance at monthly Church Planting Development evenings and national Vineyard events.

Apply for the Church Planting Academy here.

The Internship Year is based on Ephesians 4:1, which encourages us to “live a life worthy of our calling, for we have been called by God”. It’s a year where you’ll grow spiritually within a community, serve the church in a variety of ministry areas and be on mission to see the Kingdom extend in the city of Manchester. We anticipate that during the year God will shape you and release you into more of your calling.

The Internship year runs from September to July. It’s a part-time programme, on Sunday mornings and Mondays.

Find out more information here.

Apply for the Internship Year here.

Covering many of the most important and foundational aspects of leadership, Leadership Essentials is the perfect place to grow in understanding and insight alongside others.

It is a 2 year programme made up of a series of 18 pre-recorded video sessions delivered by leaders from across the Vineyard movement, both nationally and internationally. These sessions are centred around the Five Characteristics of a Pioneering Leader, and acts as an introduction to leadership skill and responsibility.

Find out more information here.

Vineyard Leadership College is a year-long intensive part-time programme for those experiencing a compelling call to leadership and seeking to invest in that call in an intentional and deliberate way. It is a church-based, multi-campus, multi-disciplinary training programme for Vineyard Churches in the UK and Ireland.

All the students of the Leadership College will follow a core curriculum, which is focussed around the Five Characteristics of a Pioneering Leader. The course involves a ministry elective which focuses your learning into one of a range of ministry-specific options.

Find out more information here.

Vineyard Theology aims to promote head and heart understanding of the Bible, so that the way we do church is constantly being shaped by an informed, Spirit-led interpretation of God’s word.

Through Vineyard Theology you will be trained with high-quality theological education, integrated with spiritual transformation so that you are prepared for Kingdom work at any level in the church and in the world. If you are interested in developing your leadership through theological, Biblical and practical application, then Vineyard Theology is for you.

There are a number of modules available through an online training platform.

Find out more information here.

WTC is a theological training college providing part-time courses in Kingdom Theology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level at 12 hubs around the UK and Ireland, including one in Manchester.

Their classes are places of theological depth and invitation for the Spirit, and their teachers are there to help you make the connection between all of life and the Kingdom of God.

Find out more information here.

If we are going to see people give themselves to church planting, giving up everything to plant, we owe it to them to send them as best we can. We are believing for something significant for Greater Manchester & the North West.

The Church Planting Academy includes individually tailored involvement in some of our other leadership development programmes, engagement with recommended reading material, and attendance at monthly Church Planting Development evenings and national Vineyard events.

Apply for the Church Planting Academy here.

If you would like to find out more about any of the above programmes, please get in touch at


Get in Touch

0161 850 8905 //
Sunday Gatherings: William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR
Registered Address: Colony, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR

Manchester Vineyard is a Christian Church. A Charity Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales. Charity Registration No. 1165564.
‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.


Get in Touch

0161 850 8905
Sunday Gatherings: William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR
Registered Address: Colony, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR

Manchester Vineyard is a Christian Church. A Charity Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales. Charity Registration No. 1165564.
‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
