You can email our team by clicking on each individual’s photo. Further contact details can be found here.
Affiliations & Trustees
Manchester Vineyard is a registered charity, 116554, and is led by Paul and Steph Lowe, who have delegated authority from the trustees to run the day-to-day operations with a team of staff and volunteers. Manchester Vineyard has a legal accountability structure in place, overseen by our board of trustees.
Our trustees have a range of professional backgrounds and a wealth of experience to bring to the role.
Adam Blundy (Chair)
Paul Bevan
Naomi Woodcock
Simon Bond
Paul Lowe (Church Leader)
You can contact the trustees here.
The finances of the church are independently examined by external accountants.
Manchester Vineyard is affiliated to:
Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland, charity no. 1099748; and
The Evangelical Alliance, charity no. 212325